It has been divided into 4 zones, shown in Annex A-01, which from top to bottom are:
- Task Bar.
The task bar has 2 tabs. One with the type of scan to choose: digital Hess, analogue Hess or diplopia field. The other one allows you to access the system configuration, to modify the interface environment and to print some documents directly.
- Information area.
On the left side, the selected patient is displayed, while on the right side, the selected doctor and a button to change the doctor responsible for the examination are displayed.
- Data area.
This is the most important and largest area. The screens associated with each action appear here. By default, when the application is launched, an editable list of patients appears. It is essential that a patient has his or her file to be able to access the examination.
- Help area.
Located at the bottom, it allows access to the help, the author's most relevant data and the logo of the system used for the creation, compilation, debugging and linking of the programme.