Hess and Hess-Lancaster Test
Sources of information
Diplopia Field Test
Sources of information
User Interface: Specific organisation:
Main window.
Menus and action bars.
Configuration screen (General).
Patients screen.
Scans screen.
Digital Hess scan screen.
Analogue Hess Scan Screen.
Hess Impression screen.
Digital diplopia field scan screen.
Analogue diplopia field scan screen.
Diplopia Field Print Screen.
User Interface: General organisation:
Window for setting the size of the scanning screen.
Digital Hess Scan window.
Analogue Hess Scan window.
Digital diplopia field scan window.
Analogue diplopia field scan window.
Printer configuration window.
Printout window.
Initial system configuration.
Add 1 Doctor.
Select 1 Doctor.
Set the Monitor Size, TV...
Configure the HESS Scan Screen:
Set the Colour of the Scan Screen.
Set the Size of the Scan Screen.
Display the grid of the Scan Screen.
Change the Colour of the Witnesses.
Change the Size of the Witnesses.
Configure the DIPLOPY FIELD scanning screen.
Set the Colour of the Scan Screen.
Set the Scan Size.
Set the Scan Distance.
Set the size of the token.
Set Witness Shape.
Set the colour of the token.
Conducting the tests.
Tasks common to any test.
Adding a Patient.
Digital performance of the Hess and Hess-Lancaster test.
Analogue performance of the Hess and Hess-Lancaster test. o Analogue performance of the Hess and Hess-Lancaster test.
Compare Tests (HESS).
Digital performance of the Diplopia Field test.
Analogue performance of the Diplopia Field test.
- ANNEX A-01
Main screen and its areas.
- ANNEX A-02
Tab "Patient List".
Screen explorations with exploration data of the Hess Test.
- ANNEX A-04
Screen of scans with scan data Diplopia field.
Scans screen, Hess-Lancaster scan data in pixels and degrees.
Hess and Hess-Lancaster test comparison screen, Comparison by data and by graphs.
Hess and Hess-Lancaster test comparison screen, Point and line selectors in reduced and extended test.
List of selected points with their values (either horizontal, vertical or torsion value).
- ANNEX A-09
Graph to compare the horizontal position of the selected points in each test.
- ANNEX A-10
Chart to compare the vertical position of the selected points in each test.
- ANNEX A-11
Chart to compare the degree of torsion of the selected points in each test.
- ANNEX A-12
Chart to compare the surface of the polygon formed by the answers of each test.
- ANNEX A-13
System configuration screen.
- ANNEX A-14
Medical tab.
- ANNEX B-01
Window for setting the size of the Scan Screen for both the Hess-Lancaster and Diplopia Field tests.
Command area of the window for setting the size of the Scanning Screen.
- ANNEX C-01
Tab to set the colour of the scanning screen, as well as the size and colour of the tokens (Hess-Lancaster).
- ANNEX D-01
Hess-Lancaster "digital" scanning screen, overview.
- ANNEX D-02
Hess-Lancaster "digital" scanning screen, control elements.
- ANNEX D-03
Hess-Lancaster "digital" Hess-Lancaster scanning screen, pop-up screen with results and commands for saving, repeating or correcting data.
- ANNEX E-01
Hess-Lancaster "analogue" scanning screen, general layout.
- ANNEX E-02
Hess-Lancaster "analogue" scanning screen, Command Area.
- ANNEX F-01
Diplopia Field "digital" scanning screen, general appearance.
- ANNEX F-02
Diplopia Field "digital" scanning screen, actual screen.
- ANNEX F-03
Scanning screen Diplopia field "digital", information on test parameters.
- ANNEX F-04
Scanning screen Diplopia field "digital", drop-down screen with the data of the test performed.
- ANNEX F-05
Scanning screen Diplopia Field "digital", configuration of the test parameters.
- ANNEX F-06
Digital" Diplopia Field examination screen, control elements.
- ANNEX G-01
Analogue" Diplopia field examination screen, overview.
- ANNEX G-02
Scanning screen Diplopia field "analogue", actual screen.
- ANNEX G-03
Examination screen Diplopia Field "analogue", information about the test parameters.
- ANNEX G-04
Analogic" Diplopia Field Scan Screen, test parameter settings.
- ANNEX G-05
Analogic" Diplopia Field Scan Screen, control elements.
- ANNEX H-01
Window for the configuration of the default print parameters.
- ANNEX I-01
Window for printing forms, Hess form.
- ANNEX I-02
Forms Printout Window, Hess-Lancaster Form.
- ANNEX I-03
Forms Printout Window, Diplopia Field Form.
- ANNEX I-04
Hess test printout window.
Print window, Diplopia Field Test.