For the development of a system that allows the study of oculo-motor paralysis, sources of information have been used, classified into 3 groups:
1. Those in which the clinical basis of their functioning is described.
- Detecting, measuring, plotting and interpreting ocular desviations, Walter B. Lancaster, Archives of Ophthalmology, 1939.
- A new method of applying the Screen Test for inter-ocular muscle balance, V.T. Lees, British Journal of ophthalmology, vol 33, 1949.
- The Hess Screen Test, Gill Roper-Hall, American Orthoptic Journal, vol 26, 2006.
- A computerized version of the Lancaster red-green test, Ahmed Awadein, Journal of AAPOS, vol 17, 2013.
- Comparación de una nueva prueba de pantalla KM digital con las pruebas de pantalla convencionales de Hess y Lees en el mapeo de desviaciones oculares, Rannveig Linda Thorisdottir, MD, Journal of AAPOS, vol 22, número 4 / agosto de 2018.
- Validez y facilidad de uso de un gráfico de Hess informatizado,Patrick Watts, FRCS, Journal of AAPOS, vol 15, número 5, octubre de 2011.
- Estrabismos, heteroforias y parálisis oculomotoras, René Hugonier, 3ª Edición Francesa, 1977.
- Estrabismo, Julio Prieto-Díaz, 1980.
- Estrabismos y heteroforias, Alfonso Castanera Puello, 1968.
- Visión binocular, Visión y disfunción visual, Vol 9, Mac Millan Press, 1991.
- Estrabismos, José Peréa García, 2008.
2. Those describing their transfer to a computer system.
- Lazarus Documentation,
- Databases,
- SQLite database system,
- TmemDataset component,
- Zeos database component,
- LazReport system,
- Developing with Graphics,
- GLScene OpenGL 3D library,
- TAChart component,
- Codetyphon Studio (RAD IDE, Compilador FPC y debuger) V 6.9,
- Delphi Basics,
- Embarcadero Delphi Rad Studio documentation,
3. Other sources used.
- Geometry and Trigonometry, Benjamin Garza Olvera, 2012
- Vector Calculus, Jerrold E. Marsden & Anthony J. Tromba, 2015